Job Seeking Tools and Resources:
- OhioMeansJobs
At OhioMeansJobs, job seekers can find a broad range of Services that make finding that perfect job so much easier. Explore job opportunities and learn more about industries that are hiring, as well as take skill and interest assessments. Find educational and customized training options – and get your résumé out to thousands of employer. You can also take SAT, ACT, ASVAB, and more practice tests through this website. It’s all available through your connection with us at OhioMeansJobs Lawrence County. - Riley Guide
Useful information on résumés, cover letters, networking, interviewing, and a host of other practical job seeker information. - Sample Resumes
See different types of résumé, and what might work better for you and your job search. - Occupational Search
Provides access to occupational information, including worker attributes, job characteristics and links to other online career information resources. - Interviewing
Interviewing Advice, Behavior-Based Interviews, The 30-Second Elevator Pitch, Addressing Problems, Improper Interview Questions, After the Interview, Variations on the Job Interview.

Salary Information
- Ohio Labor Market Information
Find up-to-date career & occupational information, educational & training requirements, occupational wages, job outlook, industries in which the employment of each occupation is concentrated, and the names of related companies for job leads.
Career Exploration
- Career Exploration Resources
- Job Postings, Training and Occupational Summaries.
- Career Profile Answer questions about the type of work you might enjoy and will suggest careers that match your interests and training.
- High Employment Prospect Occupations High Employment Prospect Occupations are occupations with wages above the state median ($14.85) and with a large number of annual openings in the targeted area.
- OhioMeansSuccess will help guide the decision-making process for students and families exploring their many opportunities. OhioMeansSuccess is designed to get you on the path to college and career success.
- In Demand Occupations In each industry, you will find videos about some of the specific occupations in that particular industry.
There are many sites to assist you with your job search. Several counties have an OhioMeansJobs Facebook page with daily resource updates, job openings, and career fairs. To get your search started, try the sites below: