The Ironton – Lawrence County Community Action Organization, Inc., OhioMeansJobs office has many self-services, as well as staff-assisted services, available free of charge.
Those services include, but are not limited to:
- Assistance with layoffs, plant or company closures, and unemployment
- Job listings, which are obtained on a daily basis from the local Lawrence County newspaper and employer call-ins.
- Information about skills required from area employers to fill job vacancies.
- Job bank telephone to call prospective employers, register and maintain unemployment, and other employment related calls.
- Computer and Internet access for general job search, as well as access to, which provides access to career assessments, résumé writing, and other services.
- A list of local supportive services provided by Lawrence County Community Action, as well as other support programs and agencies such as, Adult Basic Literacy and Education (ABLE), Lawrence County Job and Family Services, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services representatives for Veterans and Unemployment Compensation, Mature Services, and other partners. These partners can provide information on public assistance, GED testing, unemployment, youth services, mature services employment, veteran assistance, and more.
- Admission and Contact information for area colleges, technical schools, and certification and training programs; as well as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training assistance.
- Career and Occupational assessments to better assist customers in determining their present status and how their skills, interests, and abilities may be transferred into another occupation.